Вышло очередное обновление WC версия 2.5.0 от 18/01/2016.
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- Feature - New default session handler. Uses custom table to store data rather than the options table for performance and scalability reasons. https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/new-session-handler-in-2-5/
- Feature - New tax settings UI - faster, enhanced with ajax, searchable.
- Feature - WP CLI Support. https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/sneak-peek-wp-cli-support-in-woocommerce/
- Feature - Added terms and conditions checkbox to pay page.
- Feature - Password strength indicators.
- Feature - Added 'pay' link to order screen.
- Feature - Added admin order/payment failed notification.
- Fix - Check for existence of global attribute when you get_attributes() for a product.
- Fix - Show order by template on product search.
- Fix - Search variation skus in backend search.
- Tweak - For coupons with category restrictions, respect the category hierarchy.
- Tweak - Added wc_array_cartesian function to generate variations in a logical order.
- Tweak - Revised email settings screens to show emails in a table and avoid a long sub-nav.
- Tweak - Default customer role capabilities.
- Tweak - Expire mini-cart cache after 24 hours.
- Tweak - Improved refund error messages in PayPal standard.
- Tweak - Removed language pack downloader in favour of translate.wordpress.org.
- Tweak - Added onboarding wizard button to the contextual help so it can be accessed again.
- Tweak - When a WordPress user is deleted, turn any orders they have into Guest orders.
- Tweak - When calculating order taxes, respect tax settings and default to base country.
- Tweak - Fade in variation images to avoid flicker during load.
- Tweak - Display 2 averages on report (net and gross).
- Tweak - Improve product search and use WPDB instead of several get_posts queries for performance.
- Tweak - Use SKU for stock order notes.
- Tweak - Added order notes for manual email sends.
- Tweak - Sanitize shipping method labels/titles.
- Tweak - Only display the coupon form on the checkout if a coupon hasn't been applied.
- Tweak - Added billing address column to order screen (off for new users).
- Tweak - Created function to disable author archives for customers.
- Tweak - When updating cart hash, refresh all open tabs.
- Tweak - Use new "question" mark icon font for help tips.
- Tweak - Improved review verification status retrieval.
- Tweak - Improve appearance when only 1 gateway is active.
- Tweak - Aligned terms box left and added required asterisk.
- Tweak - Removed dropdown display mode for cart shipping methods - radios are more flexible.
- Dev - API - Added /products/shipping_classes endpoint.
- Dev - API - Added support to POST, PUT, and DELETE categories and tags.
- Dev - API - Added support to filter products by tag, category, shipping class, and attribute.
- Dev - API - Added tax and tax_class endpoints.
- Dev - Template - New star ratings. The old one was 5 separate buttons. This new one consolidates the 5 options into one element making it leaner visually and more intuitive. Works in IE9+ with a graceful degradation for IE8.
- Dev - Template - Added data-title attribute to cart table.
- Dev - Template - Product archive anchors are now hooked into templates rather than hard coded.
- Dev - Template - Added template files for the customer details list in emails. emails/email-customer-details.php
- Dev - Template - Revised single variation cart template. Template files now exist for variations, and the cart button will display (disabled) when no selections are made.
- Dev - Template - Made "my orders" columns fully customizable with filters.
- Dev - Template - Unified email template order details tables to use a single template.
- Dev - Allow wc_clean to support arrays.
- Dev - Added a manual update trigger for checkout.
- Dev - Added woocommerce_is_price_filter_active filter to Query class.
- Dev - Replaced some cart methods with dedicated functions. e.g. wc_ship_to_billing_address_only().
- Localisation - Add Kenyan currency and symbol
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